Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday Photos

So sad - the sugar snap and snow peas are all done.

Some creature has been poisoning the parsley...

the kiwis have many new tendrils forming

One tromboncino squash didn't make it, but we don't lack for plants!

amaranth growing quite a bit taller

watermelons spreading out

zucchini coming (and watchful eyes are out looking for vine borers)

winter squash

uh oh - powdery mildew on the zucchini leaves; I'll try some baking soda treatment and hope it's not too late...

eating bolted arugula

melon flowers

lots of edamame

the pinto beans; at first I was afraid that something was going terribly wrong, but I'm pretty sure they just reached their maturity a couple of weeks sooner than expected and are now drying out

the pinto beans getting beautiful red streaks as they dry out

more zucchini flowers

first eggplants are coming

Under the leaves...

... are lots of cucumber flowers!

weird fungus, stage 1 - any guesses???

weird fungus - stage 2

an explosion of tomato blossoms, and a few green tomatoes!

first green pepper

first tomatillo

ready for the basil onslaught!

no broccoli yet - I'm not so sure it's going to make it before the really hot weather hits

tassels ready to pollinate the silks

corn claws

the 9-foot-tall corn

the new play yard for rabbits, chickens, humans, and puppy

the corn is peeking over


  1. Amazing! Your hard work and beautiful results are such an inspiration!!!! I love it!

  2. I must come see the new play yard. It's huge!
