Monday, February 27, 2012

Berry Trellises II

I managed to get the stepping stones and berries in today! Here is a picture of the four trellises against the rear fence of the yard.

They come out at a good angle, so it should be plenty of light on either side. I put in ten Natchez thornless blackberries, ten bababerries, two tayberries, and one mystery berry. It was with the others, but the stem looked nothing like the other three! It's a bit perplexing.

Here's a closer picture of the area between the trellises so you can see the stepping stones and if you look really carefully (or click on the picture!) you can see the berries planted in the ground (they are sticks 12–18" tall).

It felt good to get this done. It took about 90 minutes to haul and place the stepping stones and plant the sticks. Now the fig tree is the only thing we ordered live that hasn't been planted yet. The next task is to plant the long bed right next to the berry bed, and to fill up the long hooped bed (see top photo, right) with compost (20 wheelbarrow loads?).

I would like to plant basil in the open areas in the bed until it's too full of berry brambles. The corners of that bed are also currently vacant, so we'll put in something to fill in those spaces too. So luxurious to have the space!

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