Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Rest of the Season

Well... there was more to the garden, but somehow this mother of four children got really busy. Some things grew well, some things flopped. Tomatoes and cucumbers both totally succumbed to disease, so those were major disappointments. We will definitely mulch the tomatoes next time to prevent the spores from rising and infecting the plants. Our soil was mediocre, so really the produce didn't taste all that great for the most part (tomatoes were the biggest taste disappointment, and I know it was our soil since we had 15 different varieties!). Some things were wonderful, like tomatillos, peppers, eggplant, squashes, plenty of greens. We're downsizing a bit for the coming season. It was a little much for us to handle easily with the limited time we have. That plus summers are horribly hot and working out in the garden is NOT a pleasant task. I'm hoping to get started MUCH sooner and plan it so we're not needing to spend much time in the garden in July and August. It's just too miserable out there. Anyway... our back garden is once again a clean slate. We're removing a couple of beds and shuffling the dirt over. Hoping to get a few loads of free manure to improve the soil. Today I'm starting tomato and pea seeds (if I have peas) indoors. Here's to an improved harvest this year!

1 comment:

  1. Regarding tomatoes, unfortunately it seems there's something going around wiping them out. I couldn't get mine to fruit for two years when the prior two years they grew very well and I was pulling about 3lb of cherry tom's a week. Then suddenly, the next year they all either rotted off before ripening or the entire plant would die and the year after wasn't any better. It was awful. I even moved the tomatoes around the yard, used organic fungicide, still no dice.

    So, this year I am tossing all of my old seeds out and have ordered all heirlooms to test.

    The heat here, for those not use to it (and those who are) is absolutely terrible since it's worsened by the humidity.

    How are your mini orchard circles doing? My pomegranate is pushing out new growth, much to my surprise considering the ups and downs we've been getting.
